PDF files of papers
Semiconductor ultraviolet detectors (pdf 0.7 MB)
Infrared detectors – an overview (pdf 1.1 MB)
Infrared detectors – Status and trends (pdf 2.1 MB)
Quantum well photoconductors in infrared detector technology (pdf 1.8 MB)
Optical detectors for focal plane arrays (pdf 4.8 MB)
Uncooled long wavelength infrared photon detectors (pdf 0.6 MB)
Detection of optical radiation (pdf 2.9 MB)
HgCdTe infrared detector material – history, status and oulook (pdf 3.6 MB)
Quantum-dot infrared photodetectors – Status and outlook (pdf 1.0 MB)
Third-generation infrared photodetector arrays (pdf 5.2 MB)
Terahertz detectors and focal plane arrays (pdf 3.6 MB)
Progress in focal plane array technologies (pdf 6.4 MB)
History of infrared detectors (pdf 2.35 MB)
Infrared barrier detectors (pdf 3.7 MB)
New concepts in infrared photodetector designs (pdf 1.4 MB)
Infrared devices and techniques (Revision) (pdf 4.0 MB)