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Antoni ROGALSKI, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Ordinary Member PAN
Professor of the Institute of Applied Physics
Military University of Technology
2 Kaliskiego Str., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
Tel./Fax. (48) 261 839 109


1. A. Rogalski, Właściwości fizyczne, technologia i zastosowanie chalkogenidków ołowiu i cyny, Dodatek do Biuletynu WAT, Nr 11 (351), Warszawa 1981 (215 pages), in Polish
2. J. Piotrowski and A. Rogalski, Półprzewodnikowe detektory podczerwieni, WNT, Warszawa, 1985 (402 pages), in Polish
3. A. Rogalski, Semiconductor Infrared Detectors, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 66, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, Washington USA, 1992 (644 pages).
4. A. Rogalski, New Ternary Alloy Systems for Infrared Detectors, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, Washington USA, 1994 (359 pages).
5. A. Rogalski (editor, contribution 50%), Infrared Photon Detectors, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, Washington USA, 1995 (644 pages).
6. A. Rogalski, Infrared Detectors, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000 (681 pages). This monograph was translated on Russian language (see item 7)
7. A. Rogalski, Infrakrasnyje Detektory, translated by A.V. Vojciechovski, Nauka, Novosybirsk, 2003 (636 pages), in Russian
8. A. Rogalski, K. Adamiec, J. Rutkowski, Narrow-Gap Semiconductor Photodiodes, SPIE Press, Bellingham, 2000 (438 pages).
9. K. Bielecki, A. Rogalski, Detekcja Sygnałów Optycznych, WNT, Warszawa, 2001 (399 pages), in Polish
10. A. Rogalski, Infrared Detectors: Developments, SPIE Milestone Series, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, 2004 (830 pages).
11. J. Piotrowski, A. Rogalski, High-Operating Temperature Infrared Photodetectors, SPIE Press, Bellingham, 2007 (242 pages).
12. A. Rogalski, Infrared Detectors, second edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2011 (876 pages).
13. A. Rogalski, Infrared Detectors, second edition, China Machine Press, Beijing, 2014 (820 pages). Infrared-Detectors-Chinese
14. A. Rogalski, M. Kopytko, P. Martyniuk, Antimonide-based Infrared Detectors. New Perspective, SPIE Press (2018) (273 pages)
15. A. Rogalski, Infrared and Terahertz Detectors, third edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2020 (1044 pages). Infrared-and-Terahertz-Detectors
16. A. Rogalski, Z. Bielecki, Detekcja Sygnałów Optycznych, second edition, PWN, Warsaw, 2020 (692 pages). Infrared-and-Terahertz-Detectors
17. A. Rogalski, 2D Materials for Infrared and Terahertz Detectors, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2020 (248 pages) Infrared-and-Terahertz-Detectors
18. A. Rogalski, Z. Bielecki, Detection of Optical Signals, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2022 (594 pages) Infrared-and-Terahertz-Detectors
19. A. RogalskiInfrared and Terahertz Detectors, third edition, China Machine Press, Beijing, 2023 (896 pages) Infrared-and-Terahertz-Detectors