1. |
J. Piotrowski, A. Rogalski, “Photoelectromagnetic, magnetoconcentration and Dember infrared detectors”, in Narrow-Gap II-VI Compounds and Electromagnetic Applications, pp. 506-525, edited by P. Capper, Chapman & Hall, London, 1997. |
2. |
M. Razeghi, A. Rogalski, “Photoresistors”, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Vol. 16, pp. 377-387, edited by J.G. Webster, John Wiley @ Sons, Inc., New York, 1999. |
3. |
A. Rogalski, “Hg-based alternatives to MCT”, in Infrared Detectors and Emitters: Materials and Devices, pp. 377-400, edited by P. Capper and C.T. Elliott, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001. |
4. |
A. Rogalski, “Comparison of photon and thermal detector performance”, in Handbook of Infrared Detection and Technologies, pp. 5-81, edited by M. Henini and M. Razeghi, Elsevier, Oxford, 2002. |
5. |
A. Rogalski, “Quantum well infrared photoconductors among the other types of infrared detectors”, in Intersubband Infrared Photodetectors, pp. 1-66, edited by V. Ryzhii, World Scientific, New Jersey, 2003. |
6. |
A. Rogalski, “Photon detectors”, in Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, pp. 1985-2035, edited by R. Driggers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2003. |
7. |
A. Rogalski, “Photosensitive detectors”, in Encyclopedia of 20-th Technology, pp. 585-590, edited by C.A. Hempstead and W.E. Worthington, Routledge, New York, 2005. |
8. |
A. Rogalski, Z. Bielecki, “Detection of optical radiation”, in Handbook of Optoelectronics, pp. 73-117 edited by J.P. Dakin and R.G.W. Brown, Taylor & Francis, New York, London, 2006. |
9. |
A. Rogalski, K. Chrzanowski, “Infrared devices and techniques”, in Handbook of Optoelectronics, pp. 653-691, edited by J.P. Dakin and R.G.W. Brown, Taylor & Francis, New York, London, 2006. |
10. |
A. Rogalski, “Narrow-gap semiconductors for infrared detectors”, in Handbook of Luminescent Semiconductor Materials, pp. 191-253, edited by L. Bergman and J.L. McHale, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012. |
11. |
A. Rogalski, “Thermal detectors”, in Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, DOI: 10.1081/E-EOE-120047105, edited by R. Driggers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2012. |
12. |
A. Rogalski, “Performance comparison between bulk infrared detectors and low dimensional solid detectors”, in Nanotechnology (Multi Vol. Set.) Vol. 5, Nanotechnology. Defence Applications , edited by S. Sinha, N. Kumar Navani and J.N. Govil, Studium Press LLC, 2013. |
13. |
A. Rogalski, “Achievements in development of low dimensional solid infrared detectors”, chapter 15 in Nanotechnology (Multi Vol. Set.) Vol. 5, Nanotechnology. Defence Applications, Eds: S. Sinha, N. Kumar Navani and J.N. Govil, Studium Press LLC, 2013. |
14. |
A. Rogalski, “Far-infrared semiconductor detectors and focal plane arrays”, in THz and Security Applications: Detectors, Sources and Associated Electronics for THz Application, pp. 25-52, edited by C. Corsi and F. Sizov, Springer, 2014. |
15. |
A. Rogalski, “Photon detectors”, in Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering, pp. 2348-2411, second edition (print) – Five Volume Set, edited by C. Hoffman and R. Driggers, Taylor & Francis, 2015 |
16. |
A. Rogalski, “Thermal detectors”, in Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering, pp. 3138-3182, second edition (print) – Five Volume Set, edited by C. Hoffman and R. Driggers, Taylor & Francis, 2015 |
17. |
A. Rogalski, Z. Bielecki, and J. Mikołajczyk, “Detection of optical radiation”, in Handbook of Optoelectronics: Concepts, Devices, and Techniques, second edition, Vol. 1, pp. 65-123, edited by J.P. Dakin and R. Brown, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2018 |
18. |
A. Rogalski and K. Chrzanowski, “Infrared devices and techniques”, in Handbook of Optoelectronics: Concepts, Devices, and Techniques, second edition, Vol. 1, pp. 633-686, edited by J.P. Dakin and R. Brown, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2018 |
19. |
A. Rogalski, “Terahertz detectors”, in Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, second edition, Volume1, pp. 418-431, edited by B.D. Guenther and D.G. Steel, Elsevier, 2018, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.09641-7 |
20. |
A. Rogalski, “HgCdTe photodetectors” in Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics. Materials, Devices, and Applications, pp. 235-335, edited by E. Tournie and L. Cerutti, Elsevier, Duxford, 2020. |
21. |
A. Rogalski, “Progress in quantum dot infrared photodetectors”, in Quantum Dot Photodetectors, pp. 1 74, edited by X. Tong, J. Wu, and Z.M. Wang, Springer, Berlin, 2021 |